PIRANESI by Susanna Clarke

Anyone who has read Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell (as I have) and who thoroughly enjoyed that fantastical masterpiece (as I did) will expect quite a lot of this latest Susanna Clarke book.
   They wouldn't be disappointed (and nor was I).
   It's a strange book in many way. It creates another world and a very small cast of unusual characters. It's fantastical but, apart from the initial premise of there being the strange world in which the story is mostly set, it is not especially magical. It is very well written and a surprising amount happens in what is a fairly short novel (especially in the last two-thirds or so).
   I thought there were a couple of logical problems with the story, but they weren't enough to stop me enjoying it. So, if you enjoyed Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell, I'm quite sure you'll also enjoy Piranesi.
add comment | read comments (0) 2024-03-28