Dead Scared Love on the Line Search for the Sage Tunnel at World's End The Key As They Grow Older Dead Scared Kindred Spirit Three Into One Does Go


I was in Glasgow the other day (for a proofreaders' meeting, no less) and I popped into Waterstones in Sauchiehall street. I wanted something to eat but of course I couldn't resist looking to see if my book was there.
  It was!
   All excited, I told the guy on the till, and he got me to sign the shelf copy and took a photo of me proudly holding Three Into One Does Go. He said he'd post the photo on Waterstones Instagram account, but I've no idea if he did.
  Anyway, I swaggered back out onto Sauchiehall Street feeling quite the famous author.
add comment | read comments (0) | 2024-05-27

Book Launch!

About 45 people turned up at Hillhead Library for my book launch. It would have been closer to 60, but a number of folk couldn't make it, mainly due to illness.
   It seemed to go well. I managed to give my talk and I didn't notice anyone falling asleep. I signed a load of books so Sparsile were pleased.
   What was especially nice was that some of my old university friends came up, not only to attend the launch but also to have a reunion of sorts at the same time. They stayed in Ayr (some of them next door!) and we went out for a meal after getting back from Glasgow.
   So, thank you everyone who came to support the book launch and a special thank you to old Leicesterites who made the trip.
   I better start writing my next book.
add comment | read comments (0) | 2024-05-17

Book launch day

It's Thursday. On Saturday the launch of Three Into One Does Go is going to take place at Hillhead Library in Glasgow. Might be as many as fifty people there, all intently listening to my every word. Eek. It's been a while since I spoke in front of a largish audience but I'm hoping it will be a bit like riding a bicycle: once you've done it, it's something you don't forget.
   No doubt I shall in due course report on how well (or not) everything goes on the day.
add comment | read comments (0) | 2024-04-18