WOLFEN by Whiley Streiber

I've read Wolfen before - in fact I've probably read it more than once before - so the message is that this books is good and sticks in the mind. It was written way back in 1978 and stands the test of time. Even modern technology wouldn't make much of a difference if it was given a facelift.
   It says in my version of the book that it was turned into a film starring Albert Finney. I shall have to look out for it.
   No spoilers: but this is a genuinely scary little tale and the only fault I could find with it on the umpteenth reading is that everything focuses very quickly on one particular police duo. Nobody seems to believe them, but they uncover evidence at a rate of knots, which is a bit surprising given the secretive nature of the Wolfen over the last few centuries...

   Enough. Read it for yourself.
add comment | read comments (0) 2017-11-13