Okay, this is now a fairly old book by SF standards - the version I've got was printed in 1984 - but I was curious to see what I remembered thinking last time around would still be true. More of that anon.
   First, the blurb on the front cover says that the Saga will come to challenge Lord of the Rings and the Foundation series in times to come. Well, no, it hasn't and no, it won't. It's a jolly enough tale but it doesn't have the skill, weight or depth of either of the other two series. Not many do, of course.
   I enjoyed the first two in the series, The Many-coloured Land and the Golden Torc. I remembered most of the characters and it was a bit like meeting old friends. There was plenty of plot and action, and I enjoyed them.
   But then I got a bit fed up in the second two books, because there were just too many factions, too many interrelated things going on, and I just didn't find myself emphasising with any of them. I remember thinking exactly the same last time around, so no change there.
   I expect anyone reading this has probably already read this series. If so, I'd be interested to know if your views mirror mine. First two books, tick. Second two books, cross. Let me know.
add comment | read comments (0) 2013-03-08